Work with me

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Do you hit the snooze button over and over when you wake in the morning because you feel so unsatisfied, uninspired, lacking in purpose and direction and it just feels like it’s the same shit, different day?

Maybe you feel as if you are perched on the edge of the cliff, ready to take a leap of faith but just haven’t found the courage because you are lacking clarity and the confidence to do it.

I’m going to hold your hand. You and I are going to find out what makes your heart sing. Give you a reason to jump out of bed in the morning.

I have been where you are now. I took the leap and now live every single day with passion and purpose, and I want you to find the courage inside of yourself to do it as well.


I’m going to help you uncover what it is that makes you tick and inspire you to be your best and share it with the world. We will clear whatever is holding you back!!! 

Don’t worry; we are going to have plenty of fun along the way.

What you can expect:

✓   Inspiration and motivation
   Clarity about your direction
   Step-by-step action plan
   No bullshit (but plenty of love)

Sessions are 90 minutes in person or via Skype

The world needs what you have to offer!

Drop me a line today, let’s get you started on living the life you were born to live.

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I love this woman!!!! Every time things get a little tough for me and it’s hard to filter my thoughts, I go and have a session with this sweet lady. She always unjumbles my mind with her words. It’s like magic. I always walk away feeling cleansed of anger, negativity and stress. She gives me a warm nurturing feeling. I love to listen her words as she simplifies things. She has taught me to love myself more.
~ Angela

Inspirational, not a word we use everyday but for me Rae-Anne is what this word stands for. When Rae-Anne walks into a room she has an aura that just shines and make everyone feel at ease. It is because of Rae-Anne that I am who I am today. 
~ Private client
Rae-Anne was my mentor. I was working at an entry level position at a not for profit organisation and having difficulty progressing to a leadership level. It was the old catch twenty two, that I needed leadership experience to get leadership experience. Rae-Anne saw potential in me, developed my confidence, helped me to think more strategically and better showcase my skills so that senior management might consider me as a viable candidate for future leadership roles. Shortly thereafter I received a short acting mid level leadership opportunity which then led to a permanent mid level leadership role then just over a year later I moved into a senior leadership role responsible for managing a Program,  3 team leaders and 30 staff at 23 years of age. I am particularly grateful for Rae-Anne’s support, it came at a time where I needed direction, advice and a confidence boost.
~ Catherine P
I had the pleasure of working with Rae-Anne in a fast paced, ever changing program in the NGO sector. When I first started working there, I was very disappointed that Rae-Anne was not my supervisor. Having had her on my interview panel, 45 minutes of questioning later, I knew I just had to work with her. As a newcomer and having lost out on being on her team, I looked for any excuse to chat with her (100% True!). I saw Rae Anne support, coach and mentor her team, with great passion and genuine care.  She was able to hone in on people’s skills and nurture these with great depth whilst mentoring them to be the best that they can be. So, Rae-Anne – Thank you, even though I wasn’t lucky enough to have you as my supervisor, I was very lucky to have you as my colleague. 
~ Elmina Joldic